4 Festive Ways to Use Ear Seeds for the Holidays

With the holidays approaching, you may be thinking of holiday parties, decorations, food, attire, and gifts. Personal health, wellness, and self-care unfortunately tend to be afterthoughts during this busy season.

But each day offers an opportunity to do something good for your health and wellness, and it doesn’t have to be anything big. In fact, sometimes the smallest tactics can produce meaningful results, and that’s one reason why we love ear seeds for the holidays — and think you will too. Read on to discover what ear seeds are and why you should be wearing them during this “most wonderful time of the year.”

Note: This article includes a few affiliate links to third-party sites. When you purchase on those sites through these links, you don’t pay any more, but you help support us (and we thank you for it!)

1. Use ear seeds for function

What are ear seeds?

If you’re new here, let us start by explaining what are seeds are. Ear seeds are tiny acupressure beads that attach to your ear with a small adhesive tape. They’re used for all sorts of symptoms and conditions, ranging from anxiety to depression to weight loss and much more.

Where do you place them?

Where on your ears you place the ear seeds determines what part or system of the body will receive the therapeutic benefits of the acupressure. This happens because the ear is a microcosm of the body, where certain areas of the ear are mapped to correlating parts of the body, connected by nerves.

Why are ear seeds extra helpful during the holidays?

During the holidays, amidst the joy that we’re supposed to be feeling, we may experience heightened levels of stress, depression and/or anxiety. We may overindulge in sweet, heavy treats. Our sleep may suffer. And often, we’re too busy and overwhelmed to properly take care of ourselves, so we punt doing anything to improve our health to New Year’s, where we have an excuse to get back on the wagon via resolutions.

When you use ear seeds for therapeutic benefits, you don’t need to go out of your way to do anything else…except for applying the ear seeds and pressing on the acupressure points on your ears a few times per day. Of course, healthy lifestyle habits are recommended in conjunction with wearing ear seeds for the holidays.

But if nothing else were to change in your life during the holiday season, the seeds would likely be a net positive for you (we say “likely” because the healing effects can’t be guaranteed due to bioindividuality and the fact that everyone’s bodies react uniquely).

Are ear seeds backed by any research?

At My Ear Seeds, using evidence-based research to promote alternative and complementary therapies (like ear seeds) is one of our values. We write extensively on this site about peer-reviewed research that supports auricular acupressure, a category of acupressure that ear seeds fall into.

Several research studies incorporate ear seeds of varying types into their methodology. In diving into those studies, you’ll be excited to find that intervention groups using ear seeds on precise ear points often outperform control groups not using ear seeds or not using the seeds on precise ear points.

To see more research findings for ear seeds’ effectiveness on specific health conditions and symptoms, here are a few articles to start with:

As with any new treatment or therapy, before commencing it, please be sure to discuss it with your trusted healthcare provider.

2. Use ear seeds for style

Ear seeds have been described as “dainty” and “delicate.” The gold and silver options we sell are an elegant complement to festive holiday attire. Unlike the ear seeds that others sell that look like bandages, ours are simple and stylish. You won’t get prodded with awkward “What’s that on your ear?” questions. And because they look like a type of jewelry, you may even get some compliments.

For those of us (like My Ear Seeds CEO and Founder Kaci O’Dell) who can’t actually wear metal jewelry like earrings, ear seeds (even metals ones) may be tolerated since they are non-invasive and only stick to the outside of the ear.

3. Give ear seeds as gifts to your loved ones

Ear seeds’ small, compact packaging makes them great stocking stuffers for family members. The My First Ear Seeds Kit would be perfect for this because it includes:

  • 40 ear seeds (gold or silver)
  • A pair of unbranded tweezers
  • Alcohol wipes for cleaning the ear prior to seeding
  • A postcard with a QR code to come back to our website for info about various conditions and where to place the ear seeds for those conditions or symptoms

Our ear seeds kits also make good holiday gifts for the helpers in your life: teachers, nurses and other healthcare professionals, clergy, and babysitters, to name a few.

4. Use ear seeds for aromatherapy enhancement

Enhance the holiday ambiance with ear seeds infused with essential oils. You can apply a drop of your favorite holiday-scented essential oil, such as cinnamon, peppermint, or pine, onto the adhesive side of the ear seed before applying it to your ear. Try Young Living’s Christmas Spirit Essential Oil Blend »

As you wear the ear seeds, the gentle warmth from your body will release the aroma, creating a festive and soothing atmosphere wherever you go. This can be a unique way to enjoy ear seeds for the holidays, but it also makes for a creative gift idea for aromatherapy enthusiasts.

Now’s the time to buy ear seeds for the holidays

We’re a small business, not Amazon, so we can’t guarantee two-day shipping. But we can commit to getting your ear seeds kit in the mail and heading your way within one non-holiday business day. We’ll send tracking information to you as soon as this happens, so you can keep an eye on your shipment.

Shop ear seeds for the holidays »

No matter what your reason is for purchasing ear seeds for the holidays, we appreciate your business and are here to support you and cheer for your good health, during this season and into the new year.

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