My Ear Seeds Blog

All Things Ear Seeds, Auriculotherapy & Acupressure
Acupuncture alternative for children with cancer

Acupuncture Alternative for Children with Cancer: Ear Seeds

Find out why one pediatric oncology-related healthcare provider suggested ear seeds as an acupuncture alternative for children with cancer.
ear seeds for adhd

Ear Seeds for ADHD — What the Research Says

If you have ADHD, you may want to try auricular acupressure, or ear seeds for ADHD. Find out what the results have been...
why are my ear seeds sore

Why Are My Ear Seeds Sore?

Your ear seeds sore? Find out what could be going on and what to do to alleviate the soreness so you have a...
ear seeds libido studies

Ear Seeds and Libido: Charge Up that Drive

Want to ramp up that drive? Ear seeds' libido connections have been studied, and you'll be surprised what the researchers have found!
ear seeds near me

Do I Need to Buy Ear Seeds Near Me?

With online shopping and the tools for virtual video consultations, gone are the days of needing to buy ear seeds near me. Let's...
are ear seeds reusable

Are Ear Seeds Reusable?

As tempting as it might be to try to reuse ear seeds, the question to "Are ear seeds reusable?" is a big NO....
acupressure work to induce labor

Does Auricular Acupressure Work to Induce Labor?

Close to your due date and need help giving baby a gentle nudge? Auricular acupressure may work to induce labor. The verdict is...
apply ear seeds yourself

How Do You Apply Ear Seeds Yourself?

You can apply ear seeds yourself — you just need to know how & where to place the seeds. Get our best tips...
ear seeds acupuncture alternative

Are Ear Seeds Acupuncture? (Short Answer: Nope!)

Acupressure with ear seeds, acupuncture with needles. Both have shown positive outcomes in research studies, but there are differences!
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